Art · 01. Juni 2024
I just added another video to the Cinematography site and if you want, you could also check out the RMD equals 3.142 channel on Youtube. Cinematography Site
Art · 29. November 2023
Another news, since I tend to do more and more with my Camera trying to professionalize myself, I created a dedicated a whole page to my work (excluding non-released work). It's a lot of fun and a bit different from what I usually do. Cinematography Site
27. November 2023
It's bin a while, again, since I have updated the page. So much has happened at work, but sadly not at home. Except some Cinematography (coming soon). This time it's all about my UE5 Blog (again). There have been many additions etc., so it's definitely worth a look. And for all fellow developers, if you have any input, corrections etc., please feel free to contact me! DaveTheFreak Unreal Engine 5 Wiki
Info · 16. Juni 2023
Wow, can't believe it's almost a year since my last post. Lot of work in-between and nothing new to show, sadly (can't share my work publicly). However, I did learn a lot, especially working with C++ and Unreals Framework. Therefore I created my own, small little Wiki where I keep solutions I have found to certain problems using Unreal. DaveTheFreak Unreal Engine 5 Wiki Oh and there is also a new tab at the top to the new, mostly private wiki that others may use to solve their problems. ;)
Info · 20. August 2022
Unreal Engine C++ Development.
Daz Studio
Art · 20. April 2022
New Art Category and new Art-Page.
A Collection Of Birds
Visualization · 21. Juni 2021
In interactive exhibition for the web-browser.
Visualization · 19. November 2020
A new archvis project: from Revit to Blender to Unreal.
Info · 16. November 2020
The website has been partially re-designed focusing more on my work.
Visualization · 13. August 2020
Learning more in Blender and first Interior Design.

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